1999 Old News

1999/10/27: Updated AMG! Dark Horse translation status

1999/10/9: NEW DIGS! Finally got tired of the connection problems I’ve been having with ExecPC dialup (as well as tieing up my phone line) and went for a cable modem. Please update bookmarks.

  • Updated AMG! Dark Horse translation status
  • Oops. In moving my site I discovered that most of my anchor links were broken at the old location (fixed a few other things, also). Probably happened back when I reorganized my site ^_^

1999/9/9: It’s about time for another update – I’ve been a little too busy/lazy/distracted lately.

  • Updated the AMG! Dark Horse translation status

1999/5/1: Added 2 chapters to the Sazan Eyes translations

  • Updated the AMG! Dark Horse translation status
  • Updated GIS Converter v1.5.2. Bug fix, and added TIGER 97 support.

1999/3/31: Updated the AMG! Dark Horse translation status (I hope to be updating this more frequently now, about once a month – I just needed a Dark Horse bookmark in my monthly set ^_^).

1999/3/25: New GIS Converter v1.5.1. Bug fix.

1999/3/4: New GIS Converter v1.5. Added TIGER conversion (lines only).

1999/1/10: The Software page is done – just one application for now: GIS Converter.

I reorganized the file structure of this site a little. Links to all of the main sub-pages are changed and bookmarks will have to be recreated. Most files and deeper pages have the same links. Sorry for the inconvenience.