GDAL Complete 2.2 & Future Development

GDAL 2.2 is ready, along with all it’s friends. For now, I only have the GDAL Complete package, no GDAL plugins or individual frameworks. I’ll eventually package the GDAL plugins, but I think I’ll not make individual framework packages.

This marks another major release change.

The minimum system is now OS X 10.10 Yosemite. This is partly due to the usual change in my development system and my needs, but also for a fundamental need for C++11 in some components (while C++11 support is available in earlier systems, it is not developed enough).

Also, it is now only 64-bit.

Finally, I switched away from using the system Python — the frameworks and upcoming QGIS 3 will use a user-installed Python 3.

All the frameworks are made so they don’t conflict with earlier packages (even of the same version), but that also means they are not drop-in updates to the earlier packages.