Site Update 2018

Well, I finally finished another site overhaul/conversion. This time from Dokuwiki to WordPress. I kept the design the same as much as I could (I like it, even though it’s not as modern as some would like).

Download links are all the same. Blog posts are (will be eventually) all converted, but links have all changed (though they are similar). Most page links are the same, unless it ends with “/index”, these just need “index” dropped to work, I may work out some rewrite magic to take care of that.

BUT, there are some pages that I have dropped and/or simplified. I don’t know if I’ll convert the build notes section, it’s way out of date and I don’t plan to maintain it.

Now that I have this (mostly) done, I can work on catching up with software…

QGIS 3 Tools & Processing Workaround

QGIS 3 can’t seem to find external tools, including Python, and GDAL tools and some needed for Processing. There used to be settings for this but they’re gone.

For now the workaround is to go to the QGIS Preferences -> System.

  • Under the Environment section, turn on Use Custom Variables.
  • Add (+) a variable
  • Select Prepend from the Apply popup
  • Enter PATH for the variable
  • Enter the following for the value:
    • /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.6/bin:/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/Versions/2.2/Programs:
  • Quit QGIS 3 and start it up again, GDAL tools and processing algorithms should find needed tools now.

QGIS 3.0.0-3

QGIS 3.0.0-3 should fix the non-working GRASS problem. The key was my adding the “3” to the app name with a space, the GRASS internals didn’t like that. So I removed the space – it’s now The installer removes the contents of the original QGIS, but not the app folder itself, so you need to delete that from your Applications folder.

It also looks like the rebuild fixed the missing SAGA processing tools.

On to figuring out why GDAL tools do not work…


QGIS 3 is finally ready! As noted previously for GDAL 2.2, big packaging changes include minimum OS X Yosemite and Python 3. Also note that during installation it needs internet access to install the necessary Python modules. QGIS 3 installs as “QGIS”, so it can be used alongside QGIS 2.

Currently it is missing the globe plugin, I’ll work on adding that next. But it does include the new 3D features.

I’ve done little testing in my rush to get this ready. …argh, looks like the SAGA Processing provider is not working.

GDAL Complete 2.2 & Future Development

GDAL 2.2 is ready, along with all it’s friends. For now, I only have the GDAL Complete package, no GDAL plugins or individual frameworks. I’ll eventually package the GDAL plugins, but I think I’ll not make individual framework packages.

This marks another major release change.

The minimum system is now OS X 10.10 Yosemite. This is partly due to the usual change in my development system and my needs, but also for a fundamental need for C++11 in some components (while C++11 support is available in earlier systems, it is not developed enough).

Also, it is now only 64-bit.

Finally, I switched away from using the system Python — the frameworks and upcoming QGIS 3 will use a user-installed Python 3.

All the frameworks are made so they don’t conflict with earlier packages (even of the same version), but that also means they are not drop-in updates to the earlier packages.

GDAL 2.1.3

Starting to catch up. GDAL 2.1.3 is ready. QGIS updates coming soon.

About the future… Due to changes in my development setup and the future QGIS 3, GDAL 2.2 and QGIS 3 will be a minimum OS X Yosemite (10.10). GDAL 2.2 will probably be 64bit-only also.