Pomegranate Liqueur

freezing pomegranates

get juice in bag when thawed, so hard to measure right. can fit approx 3c, but do 2c to match 1 batch.



  • sugar: 17%
  • water: 82%
  • acidity: 1.2%

#1 ★


  • 2 lg pomegranates, or 1.5c juice (how much whole?) (used 1.5c whole, added 1/2c to some)
  • 1.5 c vodka 100°
  • 3/4 c sugar + 3/8c water
  • 1/2 lemon mist ~ 2tsp

crush pomegranate, enough to break pips not break seeds
combine pomegranate and vodka and lemon
steep 2-3 weeks, shaking daily
filter, add syrup, age 1 mo

#2 experiment ☆☆☆

  • 1c Knutson Just Pomegranate juice
  • 1c vodka 100°
  • 1/2c syrup

(just enough to top off 500Ml bottle, over 500Ml mark)

age 1 mo
hopefully enough tannins left in juice to work

something else in juice? like the whole pomegranate? this could be bad


#3 ★★★

  • 2 lg pomegranates, or 1.5c juice (used 2c whole)
  • 1.5 c vodka 100°
  • 1/2 lemon mist ~ 2tsp
  • 3/4 c sugar + 3/8c water

steep 2-3 weeks, shaking daily

filter, add syrup, age 1 mo

#4 ☆

short on sugar, so topped off with a little honey

– odd

#5 ★★★


syrup immediately

  • 2 lg pomegranates, or 1.5c juice (used 2c whole)
  • 1.5 c vodka 100°
  • 1/2 lemon mist ~ 2tsp
  • 3/4 c sugar + 3/8c water

mix all – a bit full

steep 2-3 weeks

filter, age 1 mo